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The impact of the microbiota on autism spectrum disorders

As a Healthy Lifestyle and Naturopathy Practitioner specializing in ASD, the first step in my support lies in rebalancing the intestinal sphere. Article written by Marion Garrido - Lifestyle and Naturopathy Practitioner specializing in ASD

Without this step, no change can occur. The link between intestines and brain - the key organ in ASD - has already been proven on numerous occasions: the enteric nervous system which connects these two organs is also referred to as the “second brain” because it can go so far as to function independently after division of the vagus nerve.

An imbalance in the intestinal microbiota diagnosed in people with ASD

Intestinal dysbiosis plays a major role in altering this link in people with ASD. The microbiota is the set of microorganisms living throughout the digestive system and participating in digestion, brain communication, immunity and the prevention of the proliferation of harmful bacteria . Dysbiosis is a disruption of this whole: the microbiota is an ecosystem, like the Amazon. If you remove a certain type of tree (or bacteria), the whole thing is unbalanced. The Earth is heating up, our body is dysfunctioning. Rebalancing the microbiota is therefore the key to rebalancing the ecosystem. Analyzes of the microbiota of people with ASD have revealed the presence of abnormal and harmful bacteria that were absent in their parents and siblings without ASD. These analyzes also revealed the translocation of bacteria into parts of the intestinal system that do not normally accommodate them.

Taking probiotics and MTT helps reduce disorders

One of the avenues followed by the scientific community to study these imbalances is MTT: the fecal transplantation of the microbiota from a healthy carrier to a person suffering from ASD. A study of 18 children with ASD suffering from chronic gastrointestinal symptoms highlighted the usefulness of this technique. At the start of the study, children with ASD had a less diverse gut microbiota than children without ASD. Certain strains of useful bacteria were completely exhausted: bifidobacteria, lactobacillus reuteri, prevotella, coprococcus, veillonellaceae... The latter three being directly involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates. The first phase of the study showed the effectiveness of MTT in diversifying the microbiota, improving gastrointestinal and behavioral symptoms. These improvements persisted 8 weeks after stopping treatment, suggesting a long-term beneficial effect. Two years after treatment ended, participants still had a 58% reduction in gastrointestinal symptoms compared to the start of the study. In addition, according to the parents' analysis, the main symptoms of autism (language disorders, social interactions and behavior) had decreased by 45% between the start of treatment and the two years that followed.

MTT is still far from being a widespread technique, but its effects can be reproduced with continuous probiotic supplementation throughout the year . However, it is necessary to carefully select these probiotic treatments and combine them with other healthy lifestyle measures :

- Adopt a hypotoxic diet , without gluten, casein or soy to relieve hyperpermeability, calm the immune system in over-inflammation and alkalize the body in a state of acidosis.

- Learn to manage stress and emotions thanks to resources adapted to appetites and abilities: breathing, meditation, relaxology, sophrology, physical activity, rebalancing sleep, etc.

- Support the organs responsible for eliminating toxins , deficient in people with ASD, using phytotherapy and micronutrition treatments.

- Create a suitable environment where sources of toxemia are reduced to a minimum: endocrine disruptors, pollution, heavy metals, pesticides, etc.

This information is intended for well-being and has no medical purpose.

Article written by Marion Garrido - Lifestyle and Naturopathy Practitioner specializing in ASD. For ease of reading, “Autism Spectrum Disorder” will be abbreviated to “ASD” throughout this article.

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