Les troubles digestifs en voyage | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques

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Why does our stomach give out during a trip?

We all look forward to vacations, which often rhyme with travel, but for many, we dread the digestive disorders that are frequently associated with them.

Today, we are not going to talk about tourista, or other traveler's diarrhea: they are caused by bacteria, and apart from some advice on good behavior to avoid coming into contact with them (be careful with water that you drink, and in all its forms!), health and diet advice will do nothing.

Here, we are going to talk about more taboo subjects, and less discussed because they are less taken seriously: digestion and transit disorders during a trip.

What are they due to?

#1 – Dehydration

On vacation, we have fun, we move, we see the country, we do various activities... And at the same time, we forget to drink regularly. In addition, we are more inclined to consume alcohol, so dehydration is essential. The problem ? When we are dehydrated, the entire detoxification process of the body is slowed down, which promotes the stagnation of toxins in our intestines, and intestinal transit is also greatly disrupted.

#2 – Change in eating habits

We are predisposed, by genetics, to tolerate certain ways of eating better or less well. For example, most Asians cannot digest milk. When we travel, we discover new culinary cultures for which our stomach is not necessarily prepared or armed. It is therefore not abnormal to experience bloating, heaviness and digestive pain after some time eating like an inhabitant of the country where you are.

#3 – Overeating

For this, you don't need to go far! On vacation, temptation is strong, whether it be culinary desires, quantities and/or alcohol. And yet, we want to have fun and that's normal. But those who suffer are the liver and the stomach, which find themselves overworked and can cause these famous digestive disorders.

#4 – An imbalance of the microbiota

If this can arise from a basic problem, before the trip, research has shown that changes in environment, diet, and even within the biological clock had an impact on the composition of the microbiota, which, as we know, often leads to digestive disorders.

#5 – Stress

A trip is a lot of happiness, but also a lot of stress (well, for those who organize it)! However, stress disrupts our digestive system in the short term, and over time, it modifies the constitution of our intestinal microbiota, therefore causing other digestive disorders.

So to remedy this, and avoid bloating, heaviness, pain, constipation... In short, anything that is likely to slow us down in our adventures, it is important to pay attention to all these points: stay hydrated, pay attention to what that we put on our plate, take probiotics before, during and after the trip, release the pressure…

To accompany you during your travels and avoid digestive problems, find Easy Digestion and Bye Bye Constipation , two “lifesavers”! Easy Digestion is a combination of 5 compounds selected for their virtues on the work of digestion, it is a real ally when you have eaten a little too much or cannot digest certain foods. It prevents bloating, heaviness and abdominal pain. Bye Bye Constipation , for its part, is the ally of lazy transits. It brings together 6 compounds recognized for their effect on the advancement of the food intake: fibers, micronutrients, plants... These act in synergy to find optimal digestive comfort!


[1] Gut microbiota for health. 2015. Jetlagged microbiota could contribute to obesity . ht tps://www.gutmicrobiotaforhealth.com/jetlagged-microbiota-could-contribute-to-obesity/

[2] Kampmann, C., Dicksved, J., Engstrand, L., & Rautelin, H. (2021). Changes to human faecal microbiota after international travel. Travel medicine and infectious disease , 44 , 102199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.102199

[3] Reilly, T., Waterhouse, J., Burke, LM, Alonso, JM, & International Association of Athletics Federations (2007). Nutrition for travel. Journal of sports sciences , 25 Suppl 1 , S125–S134. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410701607445

[4] Health passport. 2016. Sick on vacation? It is not a coincidence. https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Actualites/Nouvelles/Fiche.aspx?doc=malade-vacances

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