Le protocole pour préparer son ventre aux fêtes de fin d’année

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The protocol for preparing your stomach for the end of year celebrations

The end of year celebrations, for many, mean joy, family, parties and gargantuan meals... But for others, it's more complicated!

With stress, alcohol, the abundance of rich dishes on the table, and the multiplication of receptions, it is a complicated period for the most sensitive stomachs. Every year, it's the same thing, the same concerns and the same annoyances... But not this time, because this year, you have read the special DIJO end-of-year holiday protocol! We will explain everything to you :

#1 – Organization is the key to avoiding problems

One of the biggest problems with Christmas is that we put everything off until tomorrow... Until it's tomorrow. And there, panic is guaranteed; running everywhere to do the shopping, racking your brain to find the best gifts, managing the decoration... With this mode of operation, we end up with an overcooked expired turkey on the table and a dose of stress close to the rate of fat in foie gras.

So to avoid all this stress which inevitably has repercussions on intestinal comfort and on the way in which we will tolerate the excess food induced by the period, the best thing is to get organized. By taking the time to plan the preparations and gifts several weekends in advance, we arrive at the table with a calm stomach. And if you are very stressed by nature, you can refer to our article “Do & don't to manage your stress well” to stock up on effective tips.

#2 – Strengthening the intestines

The best way to feel light and ready for the holiday season is to take care of your intestinal microbiota. Due to our current lifestyles, we are increasing the risk factors that unbalance it, without us realizing it. However, an unbalanced microbiota is often responsible for digestion problems, bloating, transit problems, etc. And in a period like the end-of-year holidays, that's all we want to avoid.

So to best prepare your intestines, it is better to find a healthy intestinal flora, because it is this which will be responsible for breaking down lipids, maximizing the absorption of micronutrients, promoting fluid digestion, etc. For this, probiotic supplementation remains the best solution: it must be highly concentrated in microorganisms and multiply the strains. This is the case with our Essential Probiotics , which contains 28 billion CFU and 8 strains to stock up on good bacteria!

#3 – Don’t forget the golden rules of digestion!

A few tips are essential for optimal digestion. Listening to your body is essential, don't harm yourself unnecessarily and learn to interpret the signals it sends you. Take the time to chew well, even if the buffet catches your eye, digestion begins as soon as the food enters your mouth! Move regularly, and favor digestive walks over naps, which will prevent the food bolus from moving properly through the digestive tract. Finally, don't forget to drink (water, not just alcohol!).

#4 – In case of difficulty, a little help.

If a heavy stomach comes to the table, you can count on Easy Digestion to relieve you. It is the combination of 5 compounds selected for their beneficial effects on intestinal comfort, to get rid of bloating and occasional heaviness.

#5 – What next?

After the excesses of the end-of-year holidays comes detox! Alcohol, as well as fatty and sugary meals, inevitably overload the liver, which slows down its functioning and causes even more discomfort. This is why after a period like this, it is really recommended to detoxify your body, to get off to a good start.

For this, you can count on the 30-DAY-Restart pack with 4 products and 30 days to revitalize the organs responsible for eliminating toxins from our body and feel lasting improvements in intestinal comfort, skin, energy and immunity.

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