Graines germées Matsa

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Sprouted seeds with Chef Matsa

Sara from Matsa , vegan chef and germination expert will reveal her secrets to sprouted seeds.

What are sprouted seeds?

It is a dry seed which will begin its growth process to form a plant.

What are the benefits of sprouted seeds?

  1. Increased nutrient content:

During germination, many nutrients will be produced to ensure the growth of the seed. They will develop a quantity of nutrients (protein, fiber, chlorophyll, iron, vitamins) much greater than the quantity present in adult vegetables!

  1. Improved digestion:

By removing the first layer that covers the seed, minerals and other amino acids will be released to greatly promote digestion. Enzymes, essential elements to ensure the proper digestion of food, will increase 6 to 20 times during germination.

The method

#Step 1: soak these seeds for 24 hours ideally (generally one night is enough) in filtered water.

#Step 2: clean the seeds in clean water by shaking a little, twice a day.

#Step 3: store in the fridge once the seed is germinated, ideally you should wait 5 days for germination and consume the seeds within 2 to 3 days after putting them in the fridge.

How to consume them?

In sandwiches, salads, soups, juices, but these crispy seeds can also be enjoyed plain. 😊

Find in the video below the entire video of Sara, Chef Matsa, to make your sprouted seeds!

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