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How to avoid intestinal gas and bloating?

Are you prone to intestinal gas and bloating? Discover all our tips to reduce them and quickly regain intestinal comfort.

What causes intestinal gas?

We have all experienced this unpleasant feeling of bloating , or even abdominal pain, caused by intestinal gas, also called "flatulence". Very often, they occur when we find ourselves in a place where we cannot “let go”, so we contain ourselves, and this only makes the situation worse!

Intestinal gas is completely natural and does not indicate poor health, quite the contrary! In reality, they are mainly the result of the fermentation of food in our intestines (thanks to our bacteria) and the amount of air we ingest. However, they can become embarrassing when we are around... On a daily basis, this can be a real problem, but if you are prone to flatulence, don't panic, we have some advice to suggest!

9 tips to reduce intestinal gas and bloating

1 – Stop chewing gum to avoid intestinal gas

Chewing gum significantly increases the amount of air ingested. We already naturally ingest air through eating, drinking, and swallowing our saliva. This is normal and we cannot play on this to reduce intestinal gas and bloating. However, we can avoid unnecessary chewing, and this recommendation has a notable effect on heavy gum consumers.

2 - Stop smoking to reduce the production of intestinal gas

Easier said than done, certainly, but tobacco consumption, in addition to everything else, has a big impact on the production of flatulence, for reasons that seem obvious. Yet another argument to break this bad habit.

3 – Avoid carbonated drinks to combat intestinal gas

Soft drinks contain a lot of gas as their name suggests, but additional gas bubbles still form when consumed. They should therefore be reduced, or even avoided, for better results in limiting intestinal gas.

4 – Avoid sugar substitutes which promote gas in the stomach

Substitutes such as sorbitol, mannitol, fructose and others are likely to create additional fermentation, which is harmful if you are trying to avoid intestinal gas. They are often found in low-fat products and in chewing gum, which is a second good reason to avoid them.

5 – Take the time to eat to limit the production of intestinal gas

In addition to slowing down the digestion process , eating quickly increases the amount of air swallowed, so it's better to take your time and slow down if you want to avoid the appearance of flatulence!

6 – Limit foods that promote intestinal gas

Certain legumes, such as beans, peas and lentils, certain vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli, and certain whole-grain grain products, are more likely to cause flatulence due to greater fermentation in the breast. of your intestines.

7 – Exercise to limit flatulence

We know that practicing physical activity is good for the entire body, and particularly for the digestion process . By strengthening your abdominal muscles, you can also reduce bloating and flatulence.

8 - Find out about a possible pathology that could cause intestinal gas

Even if flatulence alone is not a symptom that gives cause for concern, it can be one of the warning signs of certain pathologies. Among them, we can cite lactose intolerance, celiac disease (inability to digest gluten), digestive infections caused by certain parasites or bacteria, etc. When you suffer from these pathologies, flatulence can be recurrent, so don't hesitate do not talk to your doctor for a possible diagnosis.

9 – Take a course of probiotics to reduce intestinal gas

Among the many benefits of a probiotic treatment , we find the reduction of flatulence. Indeed, restoring the balance of the intestinal microbiota allows better digestion and better fermentation of food, thanks to a flora richer in bacteria, beneficial for the body, and which fulfill this role. At DIJO, our essential probiotics cure contains 8 different strains and 28 billion CFU, for optimal action on all intestinal discomforts!

We were also keen to create the Light Digestion Pack , which combines 2 cures: Essential Probiotics and Easy Digestion to regain a light and deflated stomach!

If, despite all these measures, the situation does not change, there are food supplements containing enzymes that help break down the sugars responsible for flatulence. It is also recommended to consult a doctor if the situation becomes unbearable.

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