Les Do & Don’t d’un transit régulier

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The Dos & Don'ts of a regular transit

We talk little about intestinal transit, a subject that is still quite taboo. However, it is a word that still scares a lot of people, because it is a problematic subject for many people.

Overall, a regular transit corresponds to passing stools 3 times a day to 3 times a week. Below, we talk about constipation. This is often accompanied by difficult passing, hard stools and sometimes pain.

The major concern lies in the fact that it is a common problem, which mainly arises from our lifestyles. Indeed, according to the French association for Continuing Medical Training in Hepato-Gastro-Enterology, 16% of adults are affected by these transit disorders, women being the most affected since 2 out of 3 women say they suffer from them. These figures are also underestimated since the subject is not necessarily accepted by everyone.

However, there are some rules of good conduct to avoid this problem. Let's focus on the Do's & Don'ts of a regular transit.


#1 – Take care of your diet

This is of course the first aspect to play on to obtain a regular transit. The advancement of the food bolus through the digestive tract is largely governed by the presence of fiber and water. In fact, fiber absorbs between 3 and 25 times its weight in water, it increases the mass of stools and creates a gel which passes more easily and quickly through the digestive tract. For this, it is essential to consume 25 to 30 g of fiber and 2 L of water per day. These are recommendations that are not met for a large part of the population, which contributes to the increase in the prevalence of transit disorders.

#2 – Work on your stress

Easier said than done, but stress has recognized consequences on digestive comfort. If you are prone to transit disorders, don't miss the signs of stress. To find out more about how to manage your stress, you can refer to the article “Do & Don’t to manage your stress well”.

#3 – Turn to herbal medicine.

Often, conventional methods fail to improve the problem. The causes may be too multifactorial and difficult to resolve. You can turn to a multitude of natural solutions. Certain herbal and/or micronutrient supplements can boost transit and relieve the person prone to disorders. At DIJO, we created Light Transit, the combination of 6 compounds recognized for their beneficial effects on the advancement of the food intake. The nutrients and natural substances contained act in synergy to promote regular transit.


#1 – Neglecting physical activity

This is indeed an important factor. Studies have recently been able to highlight the importance of physical activity as the last great defense in the treatment of transit disorders with diet and hydration. The solicitation of the intestinal muscles would promote the proper functioning of transit. So we don't hesitate to take a little digestive walk on occasion!

#2 – Eating too quickly/on the go

To facilitate the work of the stomach and intestines, it is essential to chew well. This limits the additional cutting work inflicted on the organs involved in digestion. In addition, our saliva contains digestive enzymes essential for breaking down carbohydrates. Taking the time to chew therefore facilitates the breakdown of the food bolus and therefore its advancement through the digestive tract. It also helps reduce abdominal pain!

#3 – Multiply the risk factors for dysbiosis

An unbalanced microbiota is a microbiota that disrupts the entire functioning of the digestive system. Our intestinal bacteria are essential to the work of breaking down and digesting our food and we must therefore preserve their environment. However, we are surrounded by risk factors that unbalance our intestinal flora, so we must pay attention to them to avoid them as much as possible. Among them, we find tobacco, alcohol, pollution, industrial food, stress, treatments such as antibiotics, etc.

To restore or preserve your intestinal flora, you can turn to taking probiotics , the most advantageous and effective solution at the moment. At DIJO, we created the Essential probiotics cure, a concentrate of good bacteria to repopulate the digestive tract and provide all the benefits linked to immunity, digestive comfort, skin quality, etc.

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