LES DO/DON'T POUR DIRE ADIEU AUX BALLONNEMENTS CET ÉTÉ | DIJO l'expert du ventre, de la digestion et des probiotiques



Let's take a look at the DOs and DON'Ts to say goodbye to bloating...


Bloating corresponds to pain and/or swelling in the stomach, and is the consequence of an accumulation of gas in the digestive system. The accumulation can be located in the stomach, small intestine or colon. They are generally accompanied by belching (burps, said more nicely), gas emission, etc. Let's take a look at the DOs and DON'Ts to say goodbye to this inconvenience this summer and feel better in your sneakers.


# CONSUME SOFT DRINKS, such as sodas and certain alcohols, consumed in quantity during the summer! In fact, the small bubbles are gas, which becomes trapped in your stomach once swallowed. It is therefore not surprising to see his belly swell afterwards.

# BETTING EVERYTHING ON RAW CRUDITES. In summer, we often want freshness and lightness, so it's not surprising that we reach for raw vegetables. Unfortunately, too much raw food can cause bloating, especially if you don't chew it for a long time. Indeed, raw vegetables are very rich in fiber, which can make digestion difficult, cause a little too much fermentation and create this abominable bloating.

So prefer to combine your raw vegetables with some cooked vegetables to avoid bloating.

# DRINK TOO MUCH WATER DURING MEALS. Of course, summer is hot and you have to increase your daily water consumption. But prefer to drink spread out over the day, rather than half a liter during a meal. This could drown your food and prevent access to the digestive enzymes that break down your food.

# EAT FRUIT AFTER A MEAL! Also very popular in summer, they are preferred outside of meals, as a snack, because fruits are digested very quickly (around 30 minutes) unlike meat and starchy foods which need more time. However, if they are consumed after a meal, they will stagnate in the stomach, start to ferment and create bloating.

# BATHING TOO QUICKLY AFTER EATING. As children, our mothers always told us… No swimming just after lunch! The main reason given is the risk of hydrocution, caused by a thermal shock between the low temperature of the water and the body temperature increased by the digestion process. Even if this case remains the most serious risk, it is not surprising to feel bloating when bathing too quickly after a meal, because the difference in temperature can disrupt the digestion process.


# TAKE A DIGESTIVE WALK. We often want a little nap after a meal . Unfortunately, when lying down, the digestion process is slowed down, which creates discomfort, bloating and drowsiness.

The sun is back, so no more excuses! In summer, the good weather can motivate you to take a digestive walk, especially since you have more time, especially on vacation. Physical activity has a real role in stimulating digestion and the advancement of the food bolus.

# FAVOR CARMINATIVE SPICES (which absorb gas) such as cumin, fennel, anise, tarragon, caraway, basil, cardamom... Ideal for seasoning your dishes! Don’t hesitate to add it to your salad dressings all summer long!

# STRENGTHEN YOUR GUT MICROBIOTA. To do this, eat foods rich in probiotics, such as pickles which are lacto-fermented and therefore perfect to add to your dishes. You can also focus on fermented drinks like kefir and kombucha, ideal for an aperitif! Traditional dairy products also contain a good amount.

# PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR ACID-BASIC BALANCE by eating basifying foods (fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, tea, spices, herbs, garlic, onions, foods rich in potassium, etc.). Indeed, many risk factors in our environment increase the acidity of our body. This phenomenon promotes the proliferation of bad bacteria and increases the formation of gas.

# ADOPT PHYTOTHERAPY: several plants have beneficial effects on the functioning of the digestive system. Consuming anise, thyme, lemon balm, peppermint or rosemary tea after a meal is a very good anti-bloating tip. To cool off in summer, nothing is more pleasant than the iced version!

BONUS TIPS: To combat recurring and disabling bloating, our 5-day reset flat stomach cure will be ideal for truly resetting your body and regaining absolute digestive comfort.
In addition, after excess food, or in case of laborious digestion, we recommend the Light Digestion Pack which combines 2 cures: Essential probiotics and Easy Digestion to find a light and deflated stomach thanks to probiotics and plants!
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