Remèdes naturels pour soulager les brûlures d'estomac

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Heartburn: causes and effective natural remedies

Saying goodbye to heartburn is possible! Discover our natural remedies to prevent and treat heartburn effectively.

What you must remember : 

  • Nearly half of those over 50 suffer from heartburn.
  • They are characterized by a burning and sour sensation in the stomach.
  • Heartburn can be the result of a variety of factors, from eating habits to underlying illnesses.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the main cause of heartburn.

  • Simple everyday actions and natural remedies can effectively relieve heartburn.

Have you ever felt that sour feeling in your stomach after a meal ? Rest assured, you are not alone! Heartburn is one of the most common stomach ailments among the population. There are even almost half of those over 50 who suffer from it. Whether occasional or chronic, they are unpleasant and can disrupt our daily well-being. This is why it is important to better understand them and find remedies to relieve them effectively and sustainably. Let's do a check in.

Heartburn, what is it?

Heartburn, also called heartburn, is characterized by a burning, sour sensation in the stomach (just below the chest). This unpleasant sensation can be felt in the upper abdomen or in the throat. Heartburn usually occurs after eating or drinking, especially after large, fatty, or spicy meals. This phenomenon occurs when stomach acid flows up into the esophagus. More than just an occasional annoyance, heartburn can disrupt the daily life and quality of life of people who suffer from it.

What causes heartburn?

Heartburn can be the result of a variety of factors, from eating habits to underlying illnesses. Understanding these causes can help you better manage your symptoms and take preventative measures to reduce the impact of heartburn on your daily life.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): the most common cause 🍋

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the main cause of heartburn. This phenomenon occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is not functioning properly and allows acids in the stomach to back up into the esophagus. GERD may be occasional for some people, but for others it can be frequent and cause unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn, acid regurgitation, and chest pain.

Unbalanced diet and bad eating habits 🍔

A diet high in fat, spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine and alcoholic beverages can weaken the famous sphincter separating the stomach from the esophagus and worsen heartburn. This type of food increases the acidity present in the stomach, which promotes reflux. Additionally, eating large meals, not taking time to eat, or eating right before bed can increase pressure on the stomach and lead to episodes of acid reflux.

Overweight and obesity ⚖️

Being overweight is a significant risk factor for heartburn. This is because excess weight can put extra pressure on the stomach, which can lead to more frequent reflux. Additionally, studies have shown that obesity can weaken muscles, including the LES, making it more likely for acids to back up into the esophagus.

Pregnancy 🤰🏼

Along the same lines as above, pregnancy can also cause heartburn because the weight of the baby puts pressure on the stomach, preventing optimal functioning of the anti-reflux mechanism.

Smoking 🚬

Smoking can make heartburn worse in several ways. First of all, the nicotine present in cigarettes can weaken the anti-reflux mechanism, thus promoting the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux. Additionally, smoking increases acid production in the stomach and reduces saliva production, which can worsen heartburn symptoms.

Certain underlying diseases 🤒

Certain illnesses may be associated with heartburn. Hiatal hernias, for example, occur when the upper part of the stomach slips through the diaphragm and into the esophagus, which can facilitate acid reflux. A malformation of the diaphragm or sphincter can also lead to this same dysfunction. Additionally, gastric or duodenal ulcers can also cause heartburn in some people.

What are the symptoms associated with heartburn? 

Heartburn is a burning sensation in the stomach (just below the chest) , often described as acidity rising into the throat. Besides this characteristic sensation, symptoms include acid regurgitation, chest pain sometimes confused with heart problems, nausea, vomiting and frequent belching. Many people with heartburn report an increase in symptoms at night, especially when lying down. This is because lying down facilitates gastroesophageal reflux, thereby increasing the chances of heartburn episodes during sleep.

What are some natural tips and remedies to relieve heartburn?

Simple actions to relieve your heartburn

# Adopt a diet that maintains acid-base balance

To measure the acidifying or basifying character of a food, the German Thomas Remer, specialist in acid-base balance, has developed an index called PRAL. This index evaluates the acid load of a food. To put it simply, meat, fish, eggs, grain products and dairy products will tend to acidify (reduce the pH) of your body. While fruits, vegetables and certain drinks like wine and tea will basify it (increase the pH). So make sure to have at least 50% of your plate made up of basifying foods.

# Avoid food triggers

Some people may be more sensitive to certain foods (spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, soft drinks, fatty foods, etc.). It is therefore important to identify the foods that trigger heartburn to avoid them.

# Eat smaller meals

Eating smaller meals more frequently rather than large meals can help reduce pressure on the stomach and therefore prevent acid reflux.

# Avoid eating right before bed

Eating too close to bedtime can increase your risk of acid reflux during the night. Try to eat your meals at least two to three hours before bed.

# Raise the head of your bed

By slightly elevating your head and torso, you create a tilt that prevents acidity from rising thanks to gravity. You can use extra pillows or wedges under the legs of your bed to create this tilt. Always make sure it is comfortable for you.

# Avoid tight clothing 

Wearing tight clothing can put extra pressure on the stomach and make heartburn worse. So opt for loose, comfortable clothing.

# Stop smoking 

As we saw previously, smoking can weaken the anti-reflux mechanism, increasing the risk of acid reflux. Quitting smoking can therefore help relieve your heartburn.

Relieve heartburn with natural remedies

There are several natural remedies that can help relieve heartburn. Here are some of the most used natural remedies to relieve them.

# Ginger

Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help calm the stomach and reduce acidity. You can consume it as ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger pieces in hot water.

# Lithothamne

It is a small marine algae known for its richness in micronutrients, such as magnesium and calcium. Its alkaline pH at 9 allows it to act as an antacid, effective in regulating the acid-base balance of your body, reducing heartburn and acid reflux. At DIJO, we were keen to develop a product, Lithothamne which contains 100% Lithothamne powder (up to 1200 mg) to provide rapid and effective relief.

# Chamomile

It can help reduce stomach inflammation. You can have a cup of chamomile tea.

# The aloe vera

Known for its stomach-soothing properties and anti-inflammatory effects, you can drink aloe vera juice or chew a piece of aloe vera gel to relieve heartburn.

# Probiotics

An imbalance in gut flora , called dysbiosis , can contribute to heartburn by disrupting digestion and promoting acid reflux. Taking a course of natural probiotics helps repopulate the intestines with good bacteria , which helps maintain a balance in the intestinal ecosystem and therefore improves the functioning of the digestive system. Although their effectiveness may vary from person to person, studies have shown that taking probiotics regularly can help relieve heartburn symptoms in some people. However, it is essential to be advised by a health professional. At DIJO, we have created the Essential Probiotics cure to effectively strengthen your intestinal microbiota and take care of your stomach as a whole to reap many benefits.

# Apple cider vinegar

Although it may seem counterintuitive due to its acidic taste, apple cider vinegar can help balance stomach acid levels. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before meals to prevent heartburn.

# Honey

Honey has anti-inflammatory and stomach-soothing properties. Take a tablespoon of pure honey or add it to ginger tea for a soothing effect.

Running out of inspiration? Find our anti-heartburn recipes to provide lasting relief to your daily life.

These tips and natural remedies can help relieve your occasional heartburn. However, if you suffer from frequent, severe or persistent heartburn, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan tailored to your situation.

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