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6 tips to have beautiful skin all year round

Discover our 6 essential tips to have beautiful and healthy skin all year round, and say goodbye to your skin concerns for the long term.

What you must remember : 

  • The skin is our protective envelope and reflects our inner and outer well-being.
  • Skin aging is a natural process that gradually affects the skin over time.
  • It is the result of a combination of internal factors like hormones and genetics as well as external factors like the sun and pollution.
  • There are many good lifestyle habits to integrate into your daily life to have beautiful skin all year round.
  • Adequate hydration, a balanced diet or even taking specialized food supplements are examples of good habits that contribute to the beauty of the skin in the long term.

The skin is our protective envelope. From the first years of childhood to the signs of adulthood, our skin evolves throughout our lives. It is a reflection of our inner and outer well-being. Every day, she faces many challenges.

Skin aging

What is skin aging?

Skin aging... Who has never wanted to slow down this natural process and keep skin young and radiant for as long as possible? But for this, you must already understand what this term refers to. Well, let me enlighten you!

Skin aging is a natural process that gradually affects the skin over time. It is characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, changes in skin texture and tone. And make no mistake, we are all affected by this phenomenon! This is why it is important to understand the factors responsible for slowing down its progression. Let's take stock together.

What are the factors that influence skin aging? 

Skin aging is the result of a combination of internal (= intrinsic aging) and external (= extrinsic aging) factors. Intrinsic aging is inherent to the biological aging process and is influenced by genetic and hormonal factors. With age, the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that maintain skin firmness and elasticity, decreases, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. Extrinsic aging, on the other hand, is mainly caused by environmental factors such as sun exposure, pollution, smoking, stress and poor lifestyle habits. These external factors accelerate the aging process by damaging skin cells, altering its texture and complexion and promoting the appearance of pigment spots.

You must surely be asking yourself: “But how can I slow down skin aging and preserve the youthfulness of my skin?” Don't worry, in this article we give you 6 tips to take care of your skin and keep it radiant all year round.

Our 6 tips to fight against skin aging and have beautiful skin all year round 

1 - Hydrate yourself, an essential tip for luminous skin💧

Did you know that dehydration can impact your skin? Indeed, water is an essential component of the skin. It plumps it up and strengthens its elasticity. Hydration also helps prevent the appearance of skin dryness, which can be responsible for an increase in the appearance of wrinkles. From the inside as well as the outside, it is therefore crucial to ensure optimal hydration . To do this, it is important to drink enough water every day, around 1.5 to 2L minimum, and to use suitable moisturizing products in order to preserve the suppleness and radiance of your skin.

2 - Protect your skin from the sun's rays, and not just in summer! ☀️

The sun's UV rays, responsible for premature aging of the skin, are present throughout the year, even on cloudy days. You must therefore integrate sun protection adapted to your skin type into your morning routine to protect it daily. You will have understood, whether you are at the beach or ready to hit the ski slopes, your sunscreen will be your best beauty ally!

3 - Eat balanced and diversified to enhance your skin 🍲

What if one of the keys to having beautiful skin all year round was on your plate? Well yes ! Your food choices directly impact the health of your skin. We are not referring to this little occasional pleasure that you allow yourself... But rather to the diet that you adopt on a daily basis. A healthy and diversified diet is the secret to maintaining beautiful skin over the long term. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables which are rich in vitamin C and E as well as antioxidants, which will nourish your skin from the inside and protect it from oxidative stress responsible for premature aging of the skin. Also consider eating fatty fish, nuts and oilseeds which contain essential omega 3 to fight against skin inflammation. On the other hand, avoid ultra-processed foods high in added sugars that can cause skin problems. Alcohol and tobacco should also be avoided for optimal skin.

4 - Take a course of probiotics and prebiotics to boost the health of your skin 💊

These two precious allies prove to be essential assets for obtaining and preserving beautiful skin. But what exactly are probiotics ? These are living microorganisms, including the good bacteria colonizing our intestines, which are naturally found in our digestive system, and which play an essential role in maintaining the balance of our intestinal flora. Healthy gut flora is closely linked to glowing skin, as it influences nutrient absorption, elimination of toxins and regulation of inflammation. By strengthening our immune system, probiotics also help prevent skin infections and preserve skin resistant to external aggressions. And what about prebiotics in all this? Prebiotics , on the other hand, are food substances, among which are dietary fibers, on which probiotics feed, thus promoting their growth and beneficial activity.

At DIJO, we were keen to create food supplements for the skin through the Skin Radiance Pack which combines Essential Probiotics and Focus Skin , for a symbiotic alliance to improve the appearance of your skin in the long term. This pack helps strengthen the intestinal and skin microbiota, while acting on the health and appearance of the skin thanks to the 5 active ingredients contained in Focus Peau. With this, you won't miss out on a dazzling glow!

5 - Get enough sleep to promote skin regeneration 🛏

Getting quality sleep is essential to achieving beautiful skin. During sleep, our body regenerates and repairs itself, and this is directly reflected in our skin. Adequate sleep promotes optimal production of collagen, a protein that maintains skin firmness and elasticity. Additionally, during sleep, the level of cortisol, a stress-related hormone, decreases, which helps reduce inflammation and skin irritation. Know that good sleep also promotes better blood circulation, which helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, making it brighter and more radiant. On the other hand, insufficient or poor quality sleep can lead to hormonal imbalance, dull skin, pronounced dark circles and premature aging. So, make sure you get the sleep you need to preserve the beauty and health of your skin.

6 - Manage your stress to preserve the balance of your skin 😖

In our quest for beautiful skin, our last tip concerns: stress . And yes ! Although we seek to avoid it and eliminate it from our daily lives, it is often difficult to escape it. Unfortunately, in these periods of stress, it is our skin that pays the price. Indeed, chronic stress can promote skin inflammation and worsen skin problems such as acne or eczema. To take care of your skin, it is essential to find effective solutions to reduce your daily stress level. In this sense, practicing relaxing activities (meditation, yoga, deep breathing, etc.) can soothe your mind and have a positive impact on your skin, allowing you to regain balance and serenity.

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